Maria R. Schmid offers psychology and counselling services in Calgary and engages clients in safe and supportive conversations about multitude of different issues. Call us for help if your life is not going smooth!
Drawing upon a depth of life experience, a broad breadth of knowledge and a reverence for all faiths and cultures, Maria R. Schmid is qualified to assist you through life’s challenges and transitions. Her goal is to see clients through difficult times to emerge as stronger and more resilient individuals, empowered with strategies and the confidence to thrive through life’s changing circumstances. Maria is often told that she has a special way of allowing people to open up in ways they haven’t otherwise experienced. Call us to book an appointment.
I encourage you to ask me any question about myself because successful mental health therapy is often determined by the trust between a counsellor and a client.
Let me share briefly some of my background so that you have a better understanding about me as a counsellor:
Growing up in small town Saskatchewan helped me appreciate the community unity that still defines my desire for strong family and neighbourhood connections. Sadly, my family dealt with many big losses early in my life, but with the help of a strong community, I learned much in the way of living through pain, change and loss.
I completed an undergraduate degree at the University of Saskatchewan, majoring in Sociology and Psychology, and completed a Masters Degree in Applied Psychology at the University of Calgary. Before becoming a registered psychologist, I worked with numerous non-for-profit agencies in Saskatchewan, Alberta and West Africa. At each of these positions, I worked tirelessly with the goal of improving the lives of individuals, families and communities by integrating common needs and promoting collaboration, health and preventative strategies. I have been a psychologist in Calgary focused in private practice since 2008.
~ Maria