When you are using your computer, do you ever get the feeling there’s a better way to do something, but you don’t know how and don’t have time to research it or know who to ask? We offer group and One on One Customized Training in Microsoft Excel, Word, PowerPoint and Outlook. We will even bring computers into your office for the training session if required, so that all the employees get the best experience and retain the skills longer. And of course, it’s more fun that way. We also do quick one hour lunch and learns too if you’ve got lots of people to get trained and the topic is one that can be demonstrated and doesn’t really need to be hands on. A great example is learning about the new MS Office. People just need to be shown where all their old commands are. Our instructor has been teaching people about computers since the late ’80s and has worked in government, corporate, private business as well as self employment, so has tons of experience and examples to share! We have recently added our most popular courses onto our website so you can watch them anytime you’d like! Check them out at www.knowitsooner.com!
Joanne Swensrude has been teaching people how to use their computer since 1988. She learned that she has a passion for showing people how to shave hours off daily tasks and how to produce professional spreadsheets, documents and presentations. People have no idea that they can learn how to do these things themselves. They find that the course pay for themselves in very little time. In 1994, she left her full time job and started offering training to people at their homes or businesses. People started asking for training on a bigger scale so she acquired a classroom in downtown Edmonton. Things slowed down in 1999 when everyone was scared to buy new computers because of Y2K, so she took a full time job at a law firm for 6 years as a Systems Trainer. In 2006, she decided to once again offer training to the public and started Know it Sooner Computer Training after constantly hearing clients say “Gee, I wish I’d known that sooner”!